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242 Wythe Ave #4, Brooklyn, NY 11249
‪(646) 918-1028
Working Hours: 24/7

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Here Are Some of The Common FAQs To Answer Your Queries

Is My Information Secure?

Yes! We have a legal procedure (Non-disclosure agreement signing) to ensure our clients’ information stays 100% secure.

Can I Self Chat with My Website Visitors?

Certainly. You can. We can help you with it if that’s required.

How Will You Understand My Offerings?

We work diligently to understand your product or service. We go through each document & FAQ section on your company website to ensure we know it all. Additionally, our agents will connect with you on Skype to get additional information from you if that is required.

What Happens After the Free Trial?

We will be in constant touch with you during the 14 days free trial. Once the trial is over, you can decide to continue having live chat on your website and provide awesome service to your customers or you can cancel the subscription and you won’t be charged anything.

Do You Offer an Account Manager? What Is Their Role?

Yes! Every plan, from 1 agent to custom plans, has a personal account manager assigned to it. The account manager is here to help get you on board with your support plan. Contact them if you need anything at all! It is their job to make sure you are satisfied with the level of support your business is receiving.

How Do I Get the Chat Working on My Website?

Installing the chat onto your website is as easy as putting two extra lines of code on your site. We will provide this once your account is set up and you can either pass the instructions to your web developer or we can assign one of our developers to do the job.

What Will Be I Charged in My 14-Day Free Trial?

Nothing. You won’t be charged during your free trial.